Linux Dotfiles
Linux dotfiles and setup script for a minimal, productivity-focused installation.
On Contentedness and Achievement
A proposition for managing the opposing goals of being contented with one's lot and wanting to achieve something greater.
Exercise solutions for How to Design Programs 2e.
A Dumbphone Retrospective
My experience after having used a dumbphone daily for the last year.
Capturing the Everyday II
A continuation of my attempts to capture the beauty of everyday experiences.
Image Tagger
Keyword-tag images with a local LLM and use fuzzy match with a search query to find and display image matches.
A Walkthrough Example of Quicksort
A step-by-step walkthrough of performing Quicksort on a simple array to better understand it's workings.
The Past Few Years
A brief overview of what I've been doing the past few years.
On Reclaiming Attention
A recount of my path towards reducing distraction to enable faster progress towards that which matters most.
Capturing the Everyday
Becoming more attentive to common surroundings; appreciating their current forms and fleeting nature.
Minimal YouTube Viewer
A distraction free alternative Front-End for YouTube that removes unncessary elements, allowing better focus.
Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
As relevant today as when it was written decades ago. The need for amusement in all aspects of an individual's life is to their detriment. Awareness and action must then be taken.
Low Tech Life by José Briones
A highlighting of the importance of intentionality with smartphone use, as it is easily all-consuming, and the alternative dumbphone.
My Workspace
Increasing the enjoyability of your workspace reduces friction towards action, leading to greater achievement.
Optiver - Trading at the Close Submission
A Data Science competition submission that uses Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Machine Learning (ML) to predict the closing movement of US Stocks.
K-Means Clustering
A K-Means Clustering algorithm implementation with Scikit-Learn (SKL) accuracy comparison.
Displaying Bitcoin Block Data
A tool that connects to a local Bitcoin node to extract and visualize data from the Bitcoin blockchain.
No ML Degree by Emil Wallnér
Practical advice for those entering the field of Machine Learning without prior related formal education. The path to employment differs for self-taught student as you must first establish credibility.
Meta Learning by Radek Osmulski
Practical advice for those entering into the field of Deep Learning: What to learn, how to learn it and how to gain expertise & become recognised.
How to Build Your Career in AI by Andrew Ng
Practical advice for those venturing into the field of Artifical Intelligence: what to learn, what to practice and what to do when job searching.
An Introduction to Efficient Learning
An overview of the mechanics of memory, learning and the implementation of knowledge.
PS3.11 Submission
A Data Science competition submission that uses Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Machine Learning (ML) to predict Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) for media campaigns.
Vanguard Investor Fund Data EDA
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of Vanguard Investor's fund offerings to find what is expected to yield the largest Year-over-Year (YoY) return.
Loop Multiplication vs. Vectorization
A visual illustration of the speed and efficiency gained through calculating using Vectorization over Loop Multiplication.
On Death, Finiteness, and Subsequent Beauty
A perspective on the inevitability of death, the finiteness of life and the beauty that we experience as a result.
Deep Work by Cal Newport
Cal Newport highlights the importance of 'deep work' - focused work free from distraction - and discusses various implementations and accessory inclusions to improve productivity and performance.
Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Ideas and methods to ensure you adequately prioritise that which is most important within your life so that you are able to achieve excellence in those defined areas.
How to Die by Seneca
An important perspective on the idea and the inevitability of death and how acceptance of this grants freedom in all other aspects of life.
How to Drink by Vincent Obsopoeus
Guidance on how best to enjoy alcohol without over-consumption, with large applications to any vice.
Managing Oneself by Peter F. Drucker
A short guide on how to perform your best through the knowledge of one's personal capabilities and further, the capabilities of peers.
The Millionaire Fastlane by M.J. DeMarco
A depiction of various paths that you can lead your life with a spotlight on 'The Fastlane' - a route to wealth that is more rapidly attainable and preferable so that you are able to live out the life you desire for an extended period of time.
The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
A guide focused on giving you tools to enact maximal productivity and freedom, allowing you to lead the life you desire without a total commitment to spending time working and increasing wealth unecessarily.
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
A guide on how you can increase success in all aspects of your life through partaking in more activities that result in delayed gratification and through consistency in these actions.
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
A look at how you are able to cultivate the life that you wish to achieve by defining your goals and consistently performing actions that enable progress towards them.